Hi, I’m Iliyana Pavlova
I am a Mindset Facilitator and Business Coach, Family Constellations Facilitator, Human Design Analyzer and Perspective Shifter
I’ve always been facinated by people and the way they act!
It was my true desire to understand why people do what they do. Why people think what they think and end up living a life that they don’t want to.
It wasn’t long ago that I realized I wasn’t living my best life too and wasn’t pursuing goals that were in line with my highest vision.
For more than 7 years of my career, I felt unfulfilled and trapped in a life I didn’t love.
It was my dream to study Psycology and get behind people’s actions and understand their patterns.
Like many of us, I felt like I was given a map of the way my career, life, relationships, finances should look like. And there studing accounting was the way life supposed to go.
Until I found out that I can follow my dreams and my passion, even though they are not aligned with my family’s desires and they don’t even understand what I do, right now!
I am on a mission to empower as many humans as possible to develop an unshakable mindset and gain absolute clarity on what they want so they can create their life and business around purpose, freedom and meaning and show their unique gifts to the world.
My Story
How I went from feeling unfulfilled and unapreciated in the corporate world to starting my loving & heart – driven business and pursuing my dream of a freedom lifestyle.
For many years of my adult life I was blindly following the path life lead me to. Not understanding where I am going, I found myself wondering why I didn’t feel happy, alive and deeply content…
In the last 15 years my life was full with adventures and eye opening truths.
I left home when I was 18 years old and moved to the capital of my motherland – Bulgaria. A year later I was flying to America, looking through the kaleidoscope and dreaming for a life without limitations.
Few years later I was flying back to the USA with a green card in my hands (yes, I won it from the lottery). By now people were already telling me that I was born under a lucky star. But life is not about luck. It is all about perspective.
I do believe in mirracles, I do believe in life and that life is always supporting us, no matter what. But this doesnt mean it was easy.
My life moved through a lot of turbolence – from building confidence speaking a foreign language (because I failed at TOEFL) to quiting jobs, because I wasn’t American and was unappreciated by my boss, to having my whole team stepping up for me and showing me grace and many more.
For years I was living (or at least attempting to live) the life society told me is the “proper way to do things”. It’s what I observed all around me as nobody seemed to truly enjoy the work they did and was on the countdown for the day off or friends gathering.
I lived my life according to the values I have been told are the honorable thing to strive for. I blindly followed what my conditioning and programming has set me up for. I was thinking that you need to work hard, countless hours to earn good income, even though what you do doesn’t truly fulfill you. I was thinking that helping people will be the way to feel fulfilled and it was for a very short time, but then wasn’t.
I was tired and exhausted by my work, I was unhappy and complaining, I didn’t take responsibilities for my own futute… beause this was the “easy way” – to have an employer and a paycheck.
It was 100% on me as I made the choice to settle for that life. To ignore the signs that my body, my mind and my soul gave me that this wasn’t what’s best for me. To not question what I wanted to do differently, stop doing altogether or start doing more of.
Until one day I made a decision. Decision, that changed my whole life. Decision that I keep following even now, that brings me joy, fulfillment and freedom.
I choose Myself !
Becoming the leader of my own best life
Now looking back, I think I’ve been searching for almost all my life. There were many, many subtle moments that made me question whether what I have been sold as ‘the right path for me to follow’, is really what’s best for me.
I chose myself. To follow my desire of understanding people. To live my life by my own standards. To be my own boss and be truly alive.
Decisions like that come with big responsibilities. But these responsibilities are not to others (life most of the time we are taught to), they are towards yourself, your own happiness and love.
In that moment I knew that THIS CAN BE THE TURNING POINT – all I had to do was to make that decision and despite the fear, do it anyway. Choosing Myself was the most relieving, liberating feeing. It leads me to reconnecting with my inner voice, intuition and self love – the things I’ve always looked for!